This SOVA training has been specifically designed to highlight the importance of safeguarding vulnerable adults amongst staff in a range of care settings. Delegates will come away from this course with the necessary understanding of current practices and laws to ensure that they implement industry standard adult protection policies and procedures. We will make certain that the course is delivered in line with the latest legislation associated with your specific client group.
Outline of Programme
The SOVA training course takes around 3 hours and delegates may be expected to engage in a number of group activities. Our experienced trainers will be on hand to help guide participants through these sessions and a certificate will be awarded upon completion.
Our courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
Special Offer - Make a saving by utilising a trainer for the whole day. Any 3, 2 hour courses; or 2, 3 hour courses can be combined for discounts.
The Medication awareness course is designed for staff working within a care environment. This course is in line with the National Minimum Standards Requirements and recent CQC guidelines. Candidates will gain an understanding of the legislation involved with administration of medication, along with being able to follow procedures set for safe administration of medication. Candidates will also gain an understanding of the importance of confidentiality and security in all procedures of drug administration. Candidates will also obtain under-pinning knowledge of the above issues and therefore will be able to put this into practice where necessary.
The following topics are covered on this course:
• Introduction to medication
• Storage and dispensing
• Documentation, confidentiality and record keeping
• Administration of medication
• Reducing and eliminating medication errors
• Accountability and responsibility
• Legislation and requirements
• Regulating bodies
This medication awareness training course is presented by means of tutorials, practical exercises and group discussions.
The course is delivered in 3 hours and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
This course ensures that delegates are aware of the importance of risk assessments in care environments and that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to undertake them appropriately for this specific sector. Training teaches delegates the correct procedure to follow when assessing a premises and its facilities, making sure that they are aware of all relevant law and legislation with which they need to comply. The course is designed for staff who are responsible for providing health and social care to patients, but nevertheless, it would be beneficial for anyone who requires a general understanding of risk assessments.
Outline of Programme
The risk assessment in care training course lasts 3 hours and delegates will receive a certificate upon completion. Delegates will be expected to engage in a number of group activities and our experienced trainers will be on hand to help guide them through these sessions.
Our courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
Important Information
This course is aimed at anyone currently working within the health care sector. Candidates will benefit from having knowledge of pressure sore care and an understanding of risks leading to development, signs of infection and prevention methods.
The following topics are covered on this course:
• To understand what a pressure sore is and how to help prevent it
• The main structures and functions of the skin
• What a pressure ulcer is
• Common sites associated with pressure ulcers
• Management of pressure ulcers
This pressure sore awareness training is presented by means of tutorials, practical exercises and group discussions.
The course is delivered in 2 hours and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with heath and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
This moving and handling of people training programme is designed to provide students with the essential knowledge and understanding of the safe process of moving people to prevent injury to themselves and the person being moved, whilst also covering the legal requirements regarding the handling of people.
The moving and handling of people training course is delivered in full day for new staff and in 3 hours for refresher and Candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn along with interaction of group activities.
Our moving and handling training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with heath and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
The Mental Capacity Act MCA & DOLS Training for Carers
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) came into force in 2007 and was designed to strengthen the protection of vulnerable adults. This was followed by The Deprivation of Liberties Safeguards (DOLS) being implemented in 2009. This care course provides background to the MCA and its relationship to DOLS and how those working within the care sector can ensure compliance whilst carrying out their job role. Candidates will also gain an understanding of how to keep the best interests of those that they care for who may or may not be able to consent.
The mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberties Safeguarding course covers:
• Understand the key principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
• Key principles of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
• Define “capacity”
• When to Assess
• Principles of Assessment
• Carer Liability
• Recording Your Practice
• Advance Decision
• What is Deprivation of Liberty?
• Deprivation of Liberty Assessment
This MCA & DOLS training course is presented by means of tutorials, practical exercises and group discussions.
The course is delivered in 3 hours and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with heath and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
Act and Deprivation of Liberties Awareness
The Infection control training course is aimed at staff working within the care environment. Individuals will understand the importance of why we need to have infection control measures implemented in the workplace. At the end of this course candidates will be able to state the obligations and responsibilities that should be performed when dealing with infection control issues. In addition to this candidates will be able to demonstrate and explain hand washing techniques along with having an understanding of maintaining a clean environment.
• Definition of Infection Control
• How individuals become infected through the chain of infection
• Different types of germs and infection
• Health Care Associated Infections
• The importance of infection control and the management of HCAI
• How to wash hands effectively and appropriately
• Personal protective equipment
• Prevention of infection
• The importance of policy and legislation regarding infection control
• CQC awareness
The course is delivered in 2 hours and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with heath and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
In compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, all new staff must attend at least a basic level of fire safety training. This course ensures that delegates meet these legal requirements and are equipped with the essential understanding of workplace fire safety; this includes fire extinguisher types and uses, fire safety precautions, common causes of fires, and how best to act in the event of a fire so as to ensure the safety of themselves and others.
Outline of Programme
The fire safety awareness training course takes around 2 hours and delegates may be expected to engage in a number of group activities. Our experienced trainers will be on hand to help guide participants through these sessions and a certificate will be awarded upon completion.
Our courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
Special Offer - Make a saving by utilising a trainer for the whole day. Any 3, 2 hour courses; or 2, 3 hour courses can be combined for discounts
Important Information
This course aims to raise awareness of Equality & Diversity and encourage candidates to take a proactive approach within the workplace. Equality and Diversity can be compromised by candidates own values, opinions, and prejudices, this course explores how prejudices develop and how they may influence people. Candidates will gain an awareness of discriminatory practice and gain knowledge on how to promote equal opportunities for all and recognise the value of diversity.
The following topics are covered on this course:
• Equality and Diversity what does it mean?
• Understanding Individual Needs
• Respecting Individual Needs
• Equality & Diversity and the Law
• Factors essential to promoting Equality & Diversity
This equality and diversity training course is presented by means of tutorials, practical exercises and group discussions.
The course is delivered in 2 hours and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with heath and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
Food & Nutrition Training for the Care Sector
The Nutrition Awareness course is designed to provide candidates with an introduction to Nutrition awareness and how best to enable service users to choose and consume food and drink by mouth. The actual support required by the service user will be dependent on their individual needs. Candidates will look at the effect of food on the body and general heath, how to make changes to supplement illness and how to identify the key minerals and nutrients required by the body. Candidates will gain an understanding about malnutrition and the implications of malnutrition on the individual.
The following topics are covered:
• What does nutrition mean?
• Nutrients
• Fruit and Vegetables
• Nutrition and the Elderly
• What are the implications of Malnutrition?
• Factors leading to Malnutrition
• Screening Tools
This nutrition awareness training is presented by means of tutorials, practical exercises and group discussions.
The course is delivered in 2 hours and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with heath and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
Dementia Awareness
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Awareness training course will inform delegates of the COSHH Regulations (2002) as well as providing them with a knowledge of risk assessment and hazards. This course is ideal for those handling hazardous substances daily at work who have no prior knowledge of the subject, or those who wish to refresh their current understanding.
Outline of Programme
The COSHH awareness training course takes around 2 hours and delegates may be expected to engage in a number of group activities. Our experienced trainers will be on hand to help guide participants through these sessions and a certificate will be awarded upon completion.
Our courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
Special Offer - Make a saving by utilising a trainer for the whole day. Any 3, 2 hour courses; or 2, 3 hour courses can be combined for discounts
Important Information
This course provides an awareness of the principles of good communication and record keeping within a care environment so to ensure effective communication skills and good practice when recording information. The CQC look to this as a key indicator of a good practice and is unfortunately often overlooked by many care homes.
The following topics are covered on this course:
• Definition of communication
• Communication methods
• Models of communication
• Communication techniques
• Managing communication
• Legislation and good practise
• Key principles of record keeping
• Care records
• Errors and prevention
This communication & reocrd keeping awareness training course is presented by means of tutorials, practical exercises and group discussions.
The course is delivered in 2 hours and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with heath and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
The following topics are covered on this course:
• Understanding Your Role
• Your Personal Development
• Duty of Care
• Equality and Diversity
• Person Centred Care
• Communication
• Privacy and Dignity
• Fluids and Nutrition
• Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability
• Safeguarding Adults
• Safeguarding Children
• Basic Life Support
• Health and Safety
• Handling Information
• Infection Prevention and Control
The course is delivered in 5 days but can be negotiated base on the number of candidate and candidates must demonstrate a willingness to learn through interaction and group activities.
Our training courses are competitively priced and we aim to beat any equivalent training quote.
The training venue should be quiet and undisturbed.
Staff should not be expected to be on duty.
Staff attending should remain for the entire length of the session.
All our courses are compliant with health and safety executive guidelines and designed to help you meet and exceed the standards expected by the Care Quality Commission.
Advanced Medication Awareness For Team Leaders and Field Care Supervisors